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Speak Up with Coach Gia Helena at the Bold Lab Blog

@work boldness confidence personal brand speak up Apr 19, 2023
Struggling to Speak Up? Why it's important and tips to be more confident

As someone who used to struggle with speaking up, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to express oneself effectively. However, over time, I learned the importance of speaking up and the many benefits that come with it. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of speaking up, the barriers that prevent us from doing so, and how to overcome them. 

Boldness, Fear, and Psychology: How They Impact Speaking Up

Speaking up requires boldness, and boldness requires courage. Fear is a natural human emotion that can be both a motivator and a hindrance. It can motivate us to take action, but it can also hold us back from speaking up.

In my personal experience, fear has often been the biggest barrier to speaking up. As a recovering people pleaser, I have always been too conscious about what other people might think, and I have often felt hesitant to express my thoughts and opinions in social and professional settings. I was afraid of being judged or criticized, and that paralyzed me!

Overcoming this fear required me to develop a deeper understanding of how psychology influences our perceptions and responses to fear. Our fight or flight response is triggered when we perceive a threat. In the context of speaking up, the threat may be rejection or embarrassment. Our brain perceives these threats as real, even if they are not, and responds accordingly.

To overcome my fear of speaking up, I realized that I needed to recognize that the threat was often not as big as I perceived it to be. I also needed to challenge my beliefs and perceptions by considering alternative perspectives and evidence. I started by practicing in low-stakes situations, such as among friends or in small group settings, and gradually built up my confidence.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has also been an effective tool for me in addressing and changing negative beliefs and thought patterns. By challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with more positive and realistic beliefs, I have been able to build my confidence and overcome my fear of speaking up.

The Benefits of Speaking Up

Speaking up can have a positive impact on many areas of our lives, including:

  • Building stronger relationships: When we communicate openly and honestly, we can build trust and understanding with others, which can help strengthen our relationships but also your Personal Brand and image at work.
  • Resolving conflicts: Speaking up can help us address issues before they become larger problems, and can facilitate conflict resolution, which can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious environment but also, to manage ourselves better in conflict or critical situations.
  • Improving decision-making: By sharing our perspectives and ideas, we can contribute to better decision-making in group settings, which can lead to better outcomes for everyone involved.
  • Increasing self-confidence: When we speak up, we are being bold, and therefore,  we demonstrate confidence in ourselves and our abilities, which can help us feel more confident overall and convey certainty in our skills and the results we are able to deliver.
  • Creating positive change: Speaking up can lead to positive changes in our lives and the lives of others, which can make the world a better place. 

The Barriers to Speaking Up

Despite the many benefits of speaking up, there are often barriers that prevent us from doing so. Some which might be worth reflecting about are:

  • Fear of rejection: We may fear that our ideas or thoughts will be rejected or criticized by others, which can make us hesitant to speak up.
  • Fear of conflict: We may be afraid of creating conflict or tension by speaking up, which can make us hesitant to voice our opinions.
  • Social pressure: We may feel pressure to conform to social norms or expectations, which can make it difficult to express ourselves authentically.
  • Lack of confidence: We may lack the confidence to speak up, especially if we feel like we don't have enough knowledge or expertise on a particular topic.
  • Social Anxiety: Fear of what others might think about us.

Overcoming the Barriers to Speaking Up

If you're someone who struggles with speaking up, know that you're not alone. Here are some tips to help you overcome these barriers:

  • Practice speaking up in low-stakes situations: Start by speaking up in situations where the stakes are low, such as among friends or in a small group. This can help you build your confidence and develop your skills over time.
  • Prepare in advance: If you're afraid of being unprepared, take the time to prepare your thoughts and ideas before speaking up. This can help you feel more confident and articulate when the time comes.
  • Be assertive: Assertiveness is key to effective communication. Use "I" statements to express your thoughts and feelings, and be clear and concise in your communication.
  • Be willing to listen: Effective communication is a two-way street. Be willing to listen to others' perspectives and ideas, and engage in constructive dialogue. This can help you build stronger relationships and create better outcomes for everyone involved.

Overcoming fear and being bold, requires for you to take some time to identify which are your fears and specific triggers. Like a blue print. It needs to be super clear how this looks like in real life for you: whe do it happen? always? sometimes?  with whom?  on all topics or only specific ones? .... etc.. You get my point.  I want you to challenge your beliefs and perceptions, and build your confidence through clarity and then practice. Small steps. I want you to develop your skills and confidence in speaking up, so you can become a more effective communicator obviously, but more important than that, because I WANT YOU TO ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF, and not wait for someone else to do it for you. Can we start tomorrow? Or how about today?

Always here for you,

Gia Helena

Let's do BOLD together!


Disclaimer: I do not know you personally so please, always seek the advice of a certified coach, therapist or consult a professional on your specific circumstances.The information in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read online.


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